“The Southern Pearl”
“Follow the white rabbit into the magical world of Breda. When I visit other places, I’m often captivated by beautiful architecture, nature, and history. But sometimes, we need to look a little closer to home. All this beauty can be found in my own city of Breda, if you take the time to notice it”.
Available in two formats:
A2 (42x59.4 cm), giclée limited edition print (100 pieces)
30x40 cm
Czech Castles
During my trip to the Czech Republic, I was deeply inspired, particularly by the enchanting castles. This inspiration led me to create a series of illustrations.
During my trip to the Czech Republic, I was deeply inspired, particularly by the enchanting castles. This inspiration led me to create a series of illustrations.
Custom geïllustreerd kaartspel relatiegeschenk ontworpen, in opdracht voor Cooler Media
Expositie Inspire Coffee Company
Geïllustreerde kaarten en bedrukte kleding